directed by Susan Friedman, starring Ray Kāne, Sonny Chillingworth, Ledward Kaapana, Leonard Kwan, Haunani Apoliona, Diana Aki, and George Kahamoku Jr.
Is Hawai‘i actually a U. S. state, or an occupied nation? Here is one of the best, primary-source based analyses of that question that you’ll ever see. And yes, it is narrated by a cartoon cat. But don’t underestimate Pinky the kitty’s scholarship… this is solid info. Watch it!
Inside USA - The Other Hawai‘i - Part 1 & Part 2
Produced by Al Jazeera English
Excellent reports that address some basic questions: How did Hawai‘i come to be occupied by the US, how has this occupation affected the Native Hawaiian people and their land – and what do the native people of Hawai‘i want for Hawai‘i’s future?